
EPHE Religious Studies Library

The EPHE Religious Studies Library, created in 1970, exists thanks to EPHE's research chair holders. Holdings comprise over 30,000 documents in the fields of ancient religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The collection focuses on the origins and interpretation of written texts of the three major monotheistic religions, their environment, and the intellectual, religious and philosophical developments that stem from them. The collection also includes several research archives donated or bequeathed to the library, in particular a Shi'i Islam archive ( on Isma'ilism and Twelver Shi'ism) unique in France.

Access terms

No registration required. The library is open to EPHE faculty, researchers, graduate students (Master's +) and to course auditors .. Other users may be granted access on reasoned request.

Lending terms

Library loans are reserved for EPHE faculty, researchers, students, and course auditors. Loans are for 1-month renewable periods.

Photo credits: detail of an antique lithograph from the Henry Corbin Collection (Shaykh Ahmad Ahsв’о, Sharh al-fawв’id, lithog., s.l., 1274h/1857)​

EPHE Religious Studies Library

Contact and localisation

10 cours des Humanités
93210 La Plaine-Saint-Denis
+33 (0)1 56 81 76 52


Mon.-Fri.: 1:00 - 7:00 pm
Closed: August, University Christmas break

Service and equipment

Computer with free access