ENS Humanities and Social Science Library – rue d'Ulm site
The ENS central library is divided geographically between two sites: the rue d'Ulm, which houses the school's oldest library, and the Boulevard Jourdan site.
The library's holdings comprise 765,000 volumes (including old books, iconography, research archives and manuscripts), 1,690 printed periodical subscriptions, 18,800 online periodical titles and 200,000 eBooks
Access terms
Library membership is automatic upon registration for:
- ENS students and alumni who have been admitted to or have graduated from ENS Ulm by competitive exam: on presentation of their student card. Alumni must register annually.
- students enrolled in ENS training programs or research centers: on presentation of their ENS ID. Alumni access with restrictions
- ENS faculty and staff, members of joint research units with an ENS ID: annual registration on presentation of their ENS ID
- Professors at the Collège de France: registration on presentation of their Collège de France ID
- Members of the IEA-Institut d'Etudes Avancé (institute for advanced studies): on presentation of a photo ID
- Members of the Centre culturel irlandais : on presentation of their CCI resident's card
Annual or temporary user registration is also open to:
- PSL member institution students, faculty and staff: on presentation of a document proving their institutional ties and stating their research topic or field
- PhD and post doctoral researchers: on presentation of a letter of recommendation from a registered library user or a document detailing the researcher's project
Exceptional access:
- Possible for documents held only at the ENS Library: on reasoned request
Lending terms
Loan conditions vary according to user category and type of document: 5, 10 or 20 documents for 1 month or 3 months, renewable twice.
ENS Humanities and Social Science Library – rue d'Ulm siteContact and localisation
45 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
France+33 (0)1 44 32 31 70
Mon.-Fri.: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm; Sat.: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed: 1 week at Christmas ; the first 3 weeks of August
Service and equipment
Computer with free access