PSL launches the Dissemin open access platform
PSL launched its Dissemin open access platform in September 2015. Its aim: contribute to furthering free and open access to research publications
Why open access? Millions of scientific publications are not accessible free-of-charge even though the research presented in the publications was most often publicly funded. Universities are obliged to pay publishers exorbitant subscription fees to access research publications that researchers have provided for free. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) offers a solution to the problem by encouraging free, open access to publications via archives such as arXiv, PubMed Central or HAL.
Dissemin, a platform developed by students and researchers from the ENS, participates in the OAI. It makes it possible for researchers to search the major Open Archive collections to ensure that their publications are referenced and accessible. Publications that are not yet referenced can be deposited in the selected Open Archive via Dessimin, in conformity with their publisher's self-archiving policy. In many cases, publishers authorize authors to allow open-access to their articles in addition to the paying versions available through them.
Dissemin is free of charge – its goal is to encourage institutions to develop open access policies and initiatives. Dissemin follows in the footsteps of numerous institutions such as the University of Liège and Harvard. The platform uses recognized standards (OAI-PMH, ORCID, DOI, SWORD) to ensure interoperability with the major international databases. Dissemin was developed and is operated by a non-for-profit association, the source code is provided free-of-charge via an AGPL open-source license.
Access your professors' and colleagues' publications via Dissemin.